Frequently Asked Questions
Due to the restrictions put on us by the Health Dept, we are limiting the number of guest in the shop. we will maintain social distancing, therefore only one guest per artist. As usual any MINOR getting pierce will still need Legal Guardian in booth with them. However we will not be allowing your friends come back in booth with you get tattooed or pierced.
Do you accept walk-ins?
Yes, we take walk ins on a first come first serve basis. If your tattoo design is more complex we might make an appointment, however we will try to accommodate walk ins every day.
Can I use my own design?
Yes, you can always bring us artwork to use for your new tattoo. We will not however trace another artist's work or plagiarize artwork. We will have flash designs for you to pick from if you want something more traditional as well.
How old do I need to be?
TN Laws states you must be 18. You will ne a valid form of Id (drivers lic, or other state ID). We will not tattoo anyone drunk, or under the influence of any substance. We also ask that if you have small children, please leave them at home. WE ARE NOT BABYSITTERS, AND WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 15 TO BE IN TATTOO BOOTH. We will allow you to have one extra person in booth while getting your tattoo.
How do I make appointment?
Deposits will be taken for all custom or appointment based work. The deposit will come off the final price of your tattoo. However, if you are more then 20 mins late to your appointment or fail to reschedule48 hours prior to appointment, your deposit will not be refunded. Short cancellations affect your artist. Each artist plan their calendars accordingly, not to mention they drew up a design specifically for you.
What are your rates?
Asking what a tattoo cost is like asking how long a line is. There are many factors that go into your designs. Each artist prices their own tattoo work. If you cal or email the shop we will not give quotes over the phone. Your best bet is to come in and talk with an artist, and come up with a game plan from there.
We do have all day and half day rates availble.
Are Deposits Refundable?
Simply put, NO. when you make an appointment, your artist has closed their calendar and reserved you a spot that you agreed to. When you do not show or cancel that artist is left with a spot to fill. If artwork was needed for said appointment, your artist has spent time designing your new tattoo. All of this goes out the window when a client doesn't show up. As a result of a few bad apples, we are no longer rolling deposits to future works. Our artist work hard to make sure they have everything set up for you and when that falls through due to a client not showing up your deposit helps to offset that.